South Australia

Ocean In Colour will custom make your South Australian photography adventure. Please be aware that there can be long drives from Adelaide then up to an hours’ drive between dive sites. Please see map.

Please contact me to discuss your custom trip, whether you are an individual or a group. I will recommend length of stay for each of the regions. Please be aware that the weather can change everything and that we may need to divert to a different region.

If you are going to visit Rodney Fox Shark Expeditions in Port Lincoln (Eyre Peninsula), we can organise more diving around your shark expedition from Adelaide.

Regions include

Yorke Peninsula Edithburgh, Wool Bay, Port Hughes, Port Victoria, Point Turton. Jetty diving.

Best for macro and muck diving. Some colourful wide angle and some Leafy sea dragon action. Please see SA Dive Guide

Fleurieu Peninsula Rapid Bay, Second Valley, Victor Harbor. Jetty and beach diving.

Best for Leafy seadragons. Please see SA Dive Guide

Eyre Peninsula Whyalla - giant cuttlefish mating. Beach diving

May to August only. (June/July best)

Mount Gambier Fresh water diving and snorkelling.

Please note that there are strict conditions around diving and snorkelling in this area and special procedures must be adhered to. Please see Gallery. Note: Not all images in the Gallery were shot in South Australia.
